Houston Havens

Street Team – Houston’s Hussies



Times have changed and so has the method of publishing and promoting books. Authors today are responsible for advertising and promoting their books. But, to do this takes away the time an author normally uses to write their next book …  so authors had to decide which to do PR (promo) or write the next book, but because the cry for the next book is louder, Street Teams were formed.

The best way for the team to help an author they love is for them to team up with other fans and readers and pass word-of-mouth about the author’s book through the medium of reviews, Twitter, Facebook, blog posts, etc.  

So this is a call for my team! Houston Havens needs her Hussies! I need you, my fans, to help me promote my books. There will be incentives too. I won’t let all your hard work be for nothing.

The time you’re being asked to spend on helping is:  Whatever time you want or have to spend. This isn’t a job … it’s supposed to be fun and a chance for you to meet and become friends with me on a more personal level!  


Follow on social media

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoustonHavens

LIKE my Author Facebook Page:  www.facebook.com/HoustonHavens

Or Friend me https://www.facebook.com/AuthorHoustonHavens

Sign up for my Newsletter signup: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Houston-Havens/197174723735703?id=197174723735703&sk=app_100265896690345

Comment on my Blog: https://houstonhavens.wordpress.com

BookLikes: http://authorhoustonhavens.booklikes.com/

Befriend me at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7829698.Houston_Havens

Visit me at Tumblr: https://houstonhavens.tumblr.com

Add me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104340584560714468515/posts

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/houstonhavens/


If you have a blog, you’ll be asked to post features, spotlight, interview etc. for all of my newest releases.

Please display my blog button on your side bar.

Write a blog post (if you have one) about me and my books. I will be happy to visit your blogs FIRST at release date and give you exclusive interviews and excerpts NO ONE ELSE will get. I’ll do spotlight and Character interviews (always more fun for your viewers)

As my “in crowd” Hussies some of you would be asked to read my ARC. Yep, an advanced review copy of my newest release (WooRah ~ you get to read the book first!) 

And others will be asked to buy the book when it first comes out to put it on your Goodreads and/or Safari “To Be Read” shelf. 

After you’ve read it, you’re asked to leave an honest review on Amazon/Facebook/Goodreads

As a Hussy, of course you’d want to tell everyone you could about my latest release on Twitter, Facebook, blogs or any other social media. 

For those of you who are on Pinterest, there is a special treat for you there from me. You will find I’ve been filling in and have completed some boards with each books Character’s images (what I visualized as I wrote the book, their homes, clothes and other personal details about the books.)

On the private Facebook Group Page I will give exclusive info on story plots, secret within the plots most never see or noticed while reading it, and excerpts. 

I will be active in the group and hope you’ll tell me what you think during these chat sessions. 

If the scene is good but didn’t make it pass the editor I’ll share it with you there for discussion.

I might even get you to preview a chapter, and tell me what you think and even run ideas past you for reader feedback. 

And of course you get first peek at the COVERS!!!

Special prizes and giveaways available ONLY to street team members during the year.

Exclusive contests for street team members with chances to win books, gift cards, etc.

SWAG ~ when available!



Please DO NOT get involved in “Fan Wars” or “bullying” other authors seen as “Competition”.

If there were such a thing as competition ~ it’s all good because it would keep my writing at its best for you guys, and I’ve got an Irish ego … there is no competition. In my world there are enough readers to enjoy all books and authors ~ I don’t condone or believe in being mean to my peers who are dedicating as much time and energy as I do to bring their fans and readers their best stories. THERE IS NEVER A NEED TO BE NASTY OR MEAN TO ANYONE. Life is good ~ let’s keep it that way.



You must be 18 and older (Why? Hint ~ Erotic Romance Menage!)


There are three ways to sign up:

1) Email me at houstonhavensauthor@gmail.com with the subject Houston’s Hussies and tell me you want to be a part of my team.

2) Join the Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/708949119161246/

3) If you are reading this on my blog, comment below.

When signing up, add your Twitter name and Facebook link. And any other social media links you will be sharing at.

This way I can follow you.

You will be asked to join a private Facebook group so you can connect with other street team members. (If you don’t have Facebook that’s ok but it would be easier to interact with other members)


I welcome all my fans and readers with open arms and hope you’re interested in joining Houston’s Hussies Street Team! 



 Here’s your button showing you’re a Hussy 🙂

<a href=”https://houstonhavens.wordpress.com&#8221; target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i59.tinypic.com/dzi3b7.jpg&#8221; alt=”HoustonHussiesStreetTeam” width=”250″ height=”171″ /></a>








2 thoughts on “Street Team – Houston’s Hussies

  1. Hook me up Houston – pretty sure we are connected everywhere already 🙂

  2. HUGS sign in here https://www.facebook.com/groups/708949119161246/ and you’re in my sweetie! Woohoo I’m sooo excited! This is fabulous! xoxox

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